This message was posted by nanotitan in my PR thread:
I'm gonna answer them here because I think it deserves a thread.
I have a question for you, casual
I read that during HST you do a 2-week 10-rep cycle followed by a 5-rep cycle. Would using 5 reps for all cycles cause any difference in results?
If one is not training to failure then what rep range do you believe would be best? Also, what volume would be optimal?
Let's say an individual is performing 5 sets of 3 reps with his 5 rep max every other day. This volume of work will probably cause some growth but would he benefit as well from just performing 5 sets of 2 reps with the same weight or maybe less or more sets?
How would one determine optimal volume or optimal weight?
Say 10 sets of 2 reps with 80% of 1RM or 5x5 with 75%?
Meaning optimal in terms of hypertrophy and work capacity.
Anyone else's take on this is appreciated as well.
I'm gonna answer them here because I think it deserves a thread.