I'll start off with some stats:
Age: 30
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 185 - 190
Bf: 23 - 24% (getting measured soon)
I'm no newb when it comes to nutrition or exercise, I've cut weight multiple times in the past with calorie counting and training. I did it the first time for boxing and dropped 70lbs while putting on a considerable amount of muscle. That was a long time ago tho. Since then I put on weight and dropped weight, focus shifting with different changes in my life. Now I'm all "grown up" married, have two twin toddlers, don't party or drink and lightly train in boxing and muay thai. But I want to cut down again to 160ish and maybe compete one last time. But also stay in shape for good this time. Many months ago I got into lifting weights harder than I used to and I discovered pro hormones. I tried it out (Trenazone) and put on a bunch of mass. I looked great but I still had some fat over my belly. I don't think my PCT worked properly because I lost a lot of it. But it got me interested. I never really cared too much about putting on mass in the past until then and, I fell in love with how I looked. I bought a weight bench set and have been lifting in a loosely scheduled routine since. After talking to my wife I decided to try the heavy hitters. AAS. I bought a bunch of gear, test e and a pro hormone to stack m-sten and clomid for PCT an adex for AI and had this all planned out but keep finding in my research that high bf is a no no for cycle. I kept fighting it until finally realizing I don't wanna mess myself up and could use a good talkin to. So I wanna drop my bf % before I begin cycle which is hard because its RIGHT THERE.
I dropped fat pretty fast in the past, I think I'm like a ecto/mesomorph.
But that was when I was younger. Could any of you give me advice and/or help me construct a proper plan for this? I need a proper routine aswell. Sorry for the novel and thanks for reading.
Age: 30
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 185 - 190
Bf: 23 - 24% (getting measured soon)
I'm no newb when it comes to nutrition or exercise, I've cut weight multiple times in the past with calorie counting and training. I did it the first time for boxing and dropped 70lbs while putting on a considerable amount of muscle. That was a long time ago tho. Since then I put on weight and dropped weight, focus shifting with different changes in my life. Now I'm all "grown up" married, have two twin toddlers, don't party or drink and lightly train in boxing and muay thai. But I want to cut down again to 160ish and maybe compete one last time. But also stay in shape for good this time. Many months ago I got into lifting weights harder than I used to and I discovered pro hormones. I tried it out (Trenazone) and put on a bunch of mass. I looked great but I still had some fat over my belly. I don't think my PCT worked properly because I lost a lot of it. But it got me interested. I never really cared too much about putting on mass in the past until then and, I fell in love with how I looked. I bought a weight bench set and have been lifting in a loosely scheduled routine since. After talking to my wife I decided to try the heavy hitters. AAS. I bought a bunch of gear, test e and a pro hormone to stack m-sten and clomid for PCT an adex for AI and had this all planned out but keep finding in my research that high bf is a no no for cycle. I kept fighting it until finally realizing I don't wanna mess myself up and could use a good talkin to. So I wanna drop my bf % before I begin cycle which is hard because its RIGHT THERE.
I dropped fat pretty fast in the past, I think I'm like a ecto/mesomorph.
But that was when I was younger. Could any of you give me advice and/or help me construct a proper plan for this? I need a proper routine aswell. Sorry for the novel and thanks for reading.