At work we have a body fat % loss and half way through I was winning- hopefully still am. Please critique my diet- i'm sure it will be bashed.
6:30- Eggbeaters -equivalent to about 3-4 eggs, protein shake adn two slices of WW Toast with Peanut butter.
9:30- Yogurt and Banana
12:30 Grilled Chick Sand on WW with some veggies and soy crisps
3:30 Detour Bar
6:30 Tuna Sand on WW with Spinach and Protein Shake
7:30- Gym- I lift 4-5 days a week, Cardio 3-4.
9:00 Protein shake.
When I started this (MArch 10) my stats were 5'7'' 190 19% BF, I am now 180 17%. It ends May 10th, and I need to maximize my results.
6:30- Eggbeaters -equivalent to about 3-4 eggs, protein shake adn two slices of WW Toast with Peanut butter.
9:30- Yogurt and Banana
12:30 Grilled Chick Sand on WW with some veggies and soy crisps
3:30 Detour Bar
6:30 Tuna Sand on WW with Spinach and Protein Shake
7:30- Gym- I lift 4-5 days a week, Cardio 3-4.
9:00 Protein shake.
When I started this (MArch 10) my stats were 5'7'' 190 19% BF, I am now 180 17%. It ends May 10th, and I need to maximize my results.