Right on. I will bump up the EQ to 400 per week as you recommend. I can get it. Also will follow the acne advice. Tanning is key, from what I hear.
For diet, I'm trying to get about 300 grams of protien a day and then eating no starches or sugars, but plenty of vegetables, salad, and healthy fats. I hear that kind of diet will work well for gains and cutting - just varying the amounts...
Finally, would it be best if I cut my EQ and Sus doses in half and do them on varying days? For example - since I'll be doing sus 500 per week and EQ 400 per week - could I do Sus 250 on Monday, EQ 200 on Tuesday, Sus 250 on Friday, and EQ 200 on Saturday -- or does it matter?
Thanks, bro.
R Jr.