New member
Hey everyone I'm new to this board and I wanted to get some advice on what I can do for my physique.....I am 22 and in good shape, I run 4 miles everyday and am sort of on the poor(financially) side, so I don't have a gym membership. I got this "Muscle & Fitness" routine that was sort for people who want to tone up without weights, It was also an article for "The College Student". Anyway, in the article it shows you different kinds of squats you can do with no weights other that your own body weight, which I find to be pretty effective, at not just toning, but also adding a little size, the article goes on to show you bicep curls, triceps, and several variations on the push-up to help you tone up. My question really is-what can I do that would be effective in adding a little size to my chest, arms and abs, not too much size, becuase believe me-I am what is called a mesomorph, I can do ten squats and put on size, so I have to be careful, I used to Squat 455 in high school, and clean 315. I just don't want to be big like that again so If any one can suggest anything, or if you need to ask me any questions first please....go ahead,