I want in! I am looking to start on September 1st. I was planning on running something for a month as a stand alone anyways. I have ample time at work to have a detailed log on both forums.
I want in! I am looking to start on September 1st. I was planning on running something for a month as a stand alone anyways. I have ample time at work to have a detailed log on both forums.
Also, I am 33 years old, 5'10", 170 with about 10%bf. I have been lifeting for the last 14 years. I have experience with orals such as Beastdrol (god do I miss Beastdrol) and Katanadrol. I am a little lean and would like to start an nice bulk on September 1st.
Great way to get a chance to try some cutting edge supplements...so what will you do different from everyone else that will make your log stand out from others???