What’s up guys? I’m 40 years old, trained off on and for 25 years, 6’2” 186lbs, 13%BF. I haven’t trained seriously since 2013. I recently returned to the gym and three weeks ago and I’m gaining super fast due to muscle memory and 5-6 meals a day. My goal is to reach 225lbs at 12% by the end of January.
In 2013, at age 35, I did my first cycle. I started with Test E only at 500mg/week (2 pins a week) for the first 4 weeks with small results and then went to T-400 (Test Cyp and Test E blend) at 800mg/week (2 pins a week) for about 6 weeks and REALLY started seeing the results. I had no side effects other negligible ball shrinkage. No PCT. I went from 210lbs to 238lbs at about 14%. Strength skyrocketed out of this world and I made huge mass gains. Fast forward through a job loss, messy divorce, starting a business, and most recently a horrific breakup; I let myself go and went way under my natty weight of 205-210.
Long story short, after my fifth week back in serous training 5x a week, with awesome natty gains due to muscle memory and the complete shock of actually eating, I want to start T-400. I also have about 8mL of Primobolan that my ex tried and didn’t like.
My questions are:
1. Is this a sensible stack? Should I start with T-400 and finish with both or vice-Vera’s. Recommended pin schedule and dose for each?
2. Is 5 weeks too soon to jump back on the horse considering how rapidly I’m gaining now? I’m really under my natural weight right now.
3. I keep reading that I shouldn’t do 800mg/wk but 400mg (200mg x 2), but that answer is usually directed at young guys in their early 20s. I wasn’t seeing much of anything with Test-E at 500mg a week for 4 weeks. Would 800mg a week be safe for a 12 week cycle of T-400 alone? Or should I start at 300mg/wk x 2? Consider my age of 40.
4. Should I run Novaldex PCT two weeks after last pin if I go with 800mg?
When I get on, I plan to switch to 5x5 routine 3 times a week consisting mostly of Squats, Bench, Deadlifts, Push Presses, Power Cleans, and Barbelll Rows.
Sorry for the long winded post and thanks in advance for any insight.
In 2013, at age 35, I did my first cycle. I started with Test E only at 500mg/week (2 pins a week) for the first 4 weeks with small results and then went to T-400 (Test Cyp and Test E blend) at 800mg/week (2 pins a week) for about 6 weeks and REALLY started seeing the results. I had no side effects other negligible ball shrinkage. No PCT. I went from 210lbs to 238lbs at about 14%. Strength skyrocketed out of this world and I made huge mass gains. Fast forward through a job loss, messy divorce, starting a business, and most recently a horrific breakup; I let myself go and went way under my natty weight of 205-210.
Long story short, after my fifth week back in serous training 5x a week, with awesome natty gains due to muscle memory and the complete shock of actually eating, I want to start T-400. I also have about 8mL of Primobolan that my ex tried and didn’t like.
My questions are:
1. Is this a sensible stack? Should I start with T-400 and finish with both or vice-Vera’s. Recommended pin schedule and dose for each?
2. Is 5 weeks too soon to jump back on the horse considering how rapidly I’m gaining now? I’m really under my natural weight right now.
3. I keep reading that I shouldn’t do 800mg/wk but 400mg (200mg x 2), but that answer is usually directed at young guys in their early 20s. I wasn’t seeing much of anything with Test-E at 500mg a week for 4 weeks. Would 800mg a week be safe for a 12 week cycle of T-400 alone? Or should I start at 300mg/wk x 2? Consider my age of 40.
4. Should I run Novaldex PCT two weeks after last pin if I go with 800mg?
When I get on, I plan to switch to 5x5 routine 3 times a week consisting mostly of Squats, Bench, Deadlifts, Push Presses, Power Cleans, and Barbelll Rows.
Sorry for the long winded post and thanks in advance for any insight.