thanks ladies
I slept 7 hours last night and took a nap today
lol@ ck
July 26
1/2 oatmeal protein cookie
3 oz carrots
7:30 Trained Legs *walked to and from the gym about 30 minutes each way)
20 minutes cardio (as much running as I could take)
Giant set
3 sets 10 of squats (105lbs)
3 sets of 12 leg extensions (45lbs)
3 sets of 14 leg abductor (50lbs)
Giant set
3 sets of 8 lying leg curls (55lbs)
3 sets of 14 standing calf raises (170lbs)
3 sets of 16 Plie squats (DB 40lbs)
Giant set
3 sets of 14 leg press (180lbs)
3 sets of 14 calf raises on leg press (180lbs)
3 sets of 12 DB deadlifts (20lb DBs)
3 sets of 14 glute/hamstring raises on ball
*OMG my legs were dead after this, I thought I was going to be sick, and it took forget to get downstairs, of course that wasn't enough for me so I walked home, haha*
9:15 *forgot the glutamine
25g protein
2g taurine
5g glycine
11:00 Took a nap until 12:30
3 oz chicken
5 oz cucumber
4 oz red potato
2 fish oil
1/3 C oatmeal
1 tbsp flaxseed
1 banana
2g protein
1 tbsp sunflower seed
2 fish oil
1 C broccoli
3oz chicken
1/2C rice pasta
1 tsp olive oil
1 tbsp parm. cheese
1 fish oil
Veggie juice (carrots, celery, spinach, parsley, ginger)
Supps taken today
Multi vit. 2x day
Vit. B 1 x day
Vit. C 2 x day
cal/mag. 2 x day
Tight 1 x day
Enzymes 2 at each meal
Total: 1301
Fat: 34 24%
Carbs: 126 34%
Fiber: 19 0%
Protein: 133 42%