Illuminati said:nice work on the PR Beast. You are missing the lift because your tri's are weak at your lockout. Try hitting up some board presses with 4 or 5 boards. This will help you to increase strenght in your weak area. keep pressing hard, and focus on your goal. you will get it soon...
ThanX brother!! Appreciate the feedback. Triceps are definately my weak point, especially when it comes to size. My rack lockouts werent so bad though. I hit 545 for 5 reps, and felt I couldve gone a good deal heavier, but stopped cuz wrists and back were starting to give me pain. The board presses sound like a good idea. Ive never done them before. I was using rack lockout and speed bench but havent been doing them lately to minimize pressue on my back. If I wasnt working around these injuries Id do some rack lockouts or board presses. ThanX again!!