I have a small dilemma at hand. Right now im eating a high protein/med fat/med carb diet at maintenance calories and im losing fat while gaining strength (and even a bit of muscle). Now im not losing fat that rapidly, maybe a half pound per week but still losing neverthless.
My bodyfat is right at 14.5% and the summer is coming, so im tempted to go on a diet and shred some more fat. I already know which diet works for me so that I lose between 1-2lbs of fat a week, which should lock me around the end of July to get some quality abs. The thing is, my strength won't continue to go up and I will lose a bit of muscle.
(Boy oh boy, dont ya just wish life can give us everything we want when we want it?)
I have made a small list of pros and cons of continuing with my gain strength/lose little fat diet:
-While I won't reach abs until late into this year (and that's IF this continues to work), but my strength will continue to go up and while gaining a bit of muscle.
- This diet is really easy to follow and I love it.
- Not as much the "grass is greener on the other side" issue since I get both of best worlds.
- No abs this summer
- No abs this summer
THe Lose lots of fat/maintain strength diet
-I will reach abs this summer no probs. Done it before.
- THe natural high I get (yeah, it sounds corny,,,,but its true) when Im very lean.
- I will look much more attractive to the members of the opposite sex (I dont see how this is a bad thing, but I figure someone will say something about this...oh well)
- I will shut up TONS of naysayers that say I will never get lean.
- I will be hungry (although I will have my cheat days once a week)
- My strength will not go up and there is also a natural high of breaking a PR in a bench or squat.
- No muscle gain, may lose a tad bit in fact
If it wasn't for the summer, I would definetely be patient and just continue to lose fat in tiny bits and gain strength.
But I will be outside at the pool a lot this summer and not having any abs or whatever will be a long pondering thought in my head.
Im curious to hear what you think:
My bodyfat is right at 14.5% and the summer is coming, so im tempted to go on a diet and shred some more fat. I already know which diet works for me so that I lose between 1-2lbs of fat a week, which should lock me around the end of July to get some quality abs. The thing is, my strength won't continue to go up and I will lose a bit of muscle.
(Boy oh boy, dont ya just wish life can give us everything we want when we want it?)
I have made a small list of pros and cons of continuing with my gain strength/lose little fat diet:
-While I won't reach abs until late into this year (and that's IF this continues to work), but my strength will continue to go up and while gaining a bit of muscle.
- This diet is really easy to follow and I love it.
- Not as much the "grass is greener on the other side" issue since I get both of best worlds.
- No abs this summer
- No abs this summer
THe Lose lots of fat/maintain strength diet
-I will reach abs this summer no probs. Done it before.
- THe natural high I get (yeah, it sounds corny,,,,but its true) when Im very lean.
- I will look much more attractive to the members of the opposite sex (I dont see how this is a bad thing, but I figure someone will say something about this...oh well)
- I will shut up TONS of naysayers that say I will never get lean.
- I will be hungry (although I will have my cheat days once a week)
- My strength will not go up and there is also a natural high of breaking a PR in a bench or squat.
- No muscle gain, may lose a tad bit in fact
If it wasn't for the summer, I would definetely be patient and just continue to lose fat in tiny bits and gain strength.
But I will be outside at the pool a lot this summer and not having any abs or whatever will be a long pondering thought in my head.
Im curious to hear what you think: