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Ya hay un montón de tabla de lavar sin valor ab anuncios de máquinas y cobarde 8 empacar artículos abs saturan la industria de culturismo. ¿Entonces por qué se Bringing Up 8 paquete de entrenamiento abs ahora? Debido a que sabemos lo que estamos hablando y nuestros artículos, Washboard Abs Las Top 5 Secretos Como llegar 8 Abdominales y 8 Abdominales Top 5 Mitos Cómo conseguir el ABS del lavadero will have you wanting to walk around with your shirt off all the time.
Let’s talk about 8 pack abs for a moment. Ahora sé lo que estás pensando - that I, George Spellwin, have whored myself out to the commercial side of bodybuilding and went the way of Men’s Health in presenting played-out fitness advice. Next I’ll be watching “The Hills” while using my Ab Master, derecho?
But seriously, I really would like to talk about washboard abs because, como todos sabemos, they might be the most important set of muscles when it comes to attracting the babes. Después de todo, you can have giant biceps, huge traps, and a perfectly sculpted chest but with a big belly on top of that, you’re just another fat guy.
Con esto en mente, I’d like to give out my top 5 ways to get washboard abs and the top 5 myths that will keep you with a gut and no chance of ever getting a ripped stomach. Some of these you may already know but there other points in this list that you might never even heard of.
Washboard Abs Las Top 5 Secretos Como llegar 8 Pack Abs
1. Dieta, dieta, dieta!
Here is a very easy to find fact that many people wishing to get washboard abs overlook: You can’t have great washboard abs with a layer of fat draped around your middle. And no matter how many places this information is, there are always going to be countless people who fail to look for it and continue on with their sit-ups and usage of garbage ab machines. The fact is though, if you’re not going to diet then you might as well forget about an excellent stomach. You must make a constant effort to cut calories and avoid eating fattening foods as well in order to get the look you want.
2. Focus on quality rather than frequency.
I don’t know about you but I personally can’t stand it when I hear someone telling me about how they do 1000 sit-ups once a day, cada día. Antes que nada, do these people have a life? En segundo lugar, results can be achieved with less time and a lot more intensity. Two ab workouts a week always does the trick for me and they feel sore nearly every time. Try different things such as 1 conjunto de 20 hanging leg raises (performed slowly). Anything that will make your abdominals feel as if they’ve actually been worked.
3. Grab some weight while doing abs.
People aren’t afraid to throw more weight on the bar when they’re benching or squatting. They want to see progress in their strength and muscle gains and lifting the bar 60 times every workout isn’t going to accomplish that. So why do these same people keep the monotonous ab routines that never increase in weight. I always recommend grabbing a weight plate when working your stomach without weights is no longer making the washboard abs sore. A few sets of 20 decline sit-ups while holding a 25 pound plate should work nicely for starters. Then try moving up.
4. Make sure that your abdominals are doing the work.
Many of the ab exercises that we’ve come to know throughout the years seem as if they’re from the stone age. Exercises like flat sit-ups and flat crunches are not only ancient but they also use too much of the other muscles to perform the lift. Varying the way you do your sit-ups or crunches can help greatly and better isolate your 8 pack abs. Try doing decline sit-ups when possible so that your stomach muscles are getting worked rather than your lower back or hip flexors.
5. Perform this exercise for excellent results.
One of the best ab exercises that I’ve ever seen has come from my friend Nelson Montana. He is the author of The Bodybuilding Truth (found Aquí) and BottomLine Bodybuilding (found Aquí) and is a consultant for Elite Fitness (found Aquí). To start this ab workout, begin in a seated position and bring your feet in towards your body (12 inches away). Then tuck your chin into your chest and put your hands on the outer parts of your knees. Still holding your knees, lean back till your arms are extended. Now let go of your knees and extend your arms forward while maintaining the position and try to avoid falling backwards. Then raise your arms overhead and keep them there for 10 segundos (if this is too hard then move your feet out farther). Después de hacer esto, bring your arms down slow and come to the beginning position. Rest for 10 seconds and repeat. Try to work your way to ten reps and beyond with this killer exercise.
Here\'s a link to the article: 8 Abdominales Top 5 Mitos Cómo conseguir el ABS del lavadero
Here\'s some links to discuss washboard abs on the Foros.
8 pack abs o continuar a perder ganancia de grasa poca fuerza este verano?
Tabla de lavar abs debe trabajar en cada día o cada dos días?
my abs don\'t get sore anymore
THIOMUCASE inyecciones? Inyecciones de sitio de ABS?
Encuesta seis pack abs vs. tipo de tamaño grande
Tom Venuto es un culturista natural, que compite regularmente en 4% grasa corporal y por debajo. |
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