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difference between face pulls and seated rows?

Face pulls being, pulling toward the neck.
Seated rows being pulling toward the midsection.

What muscles are being worked differently?

Looking for good exercises for the lower/mid traps...
seated pulley rows, will hit you lower and mid traps more.

face pulls, more rear delts and upper and mid traps

seated pulley rows will stretch your shoudler girdle more, especially if you have thick traps and back. I feel seated pulley rows will help your posture more.
lavi said:
face pulls emphasize rear delts more

Yup. I disagree that face-pulls work traps even a little bit though. In my opinion, if you look at the exercise mechanicly, the Traps are not involved at all. It is great for rear delts though. I just did them yesterday as a finisher.
CoolColJ said:
traps do more than just pull the shoulders up...

100% correct. A lot of people think shrugs are the only way to train traps. The up/down motion builds height, but you need to do more to get that freaky, thick, 3-dimensional look to your traps.
I do my face pulls to my nose/face area. Wouldn't they be called neck pulls if you were supposed to pull them to your neck area? j/k

I feel them mainly ALL in my rear delts and I do them 2x a week.

B True
i never felt face pulls in my rear delts for some reason, and they hurt my biceps.

i stick to bent over laterals and reverse pec dec for rear delts.
youlikeadajuice? said:
So I need to pull the pulley into my sternum, making sure I pinch my shoulderblades?

Yes back and down also. It should do this automaticly but you probbaly have motor firing problems, which is why you have impingement. So hold pull down and back and hold it for a sec or so.

If you want the fastest results do an isometric hold in the contracted position for 30-40secs, use the heaviest weight you can for 3 sets, no more. You'll gain a lot of mass and strength doing it like as well, but its hard though :)
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