Sup bros...i have a very weird question concerning yohimburn usage....and i wanted to know if you guys could help me out. Well the thing is that i keep my yohimburn container in my room on top of my drawer and it was semi open...and what i was wondering was this: Is it possible that the fumes from the bottle can escape and penetrate the room? Its weird because my room smels like the solution and everytime i am in my room for a long time right next to my yohimburn container it seems as if start getting all the symptoms from yohimburn usage...the chills racing heartbeat... the burn out feeling after , the irritability that omes with too much usage and even water retenion. Now i know this quesion might be alittle strange but please bear with me. Is it possible that you can get the effectsfrom yohimburn just from breathing it in for a long time?? Could it be that the fumes scapedfrom my botle and have penetrated my whole room? Are the fumes from it that strong? Or maybe im just very sensitive to yohimburnWhat do you think? Also what should i do in order to get it out of my room? I aleady opened a window but it seems as though it doesnt want to leave. I would appreciate any answers to this bros. thanx
this sounds like it may be a psychosomatic reaction to the peppermint/l-menthol "fumes". very minute, if any, yohimbine is contained in fumes. keep the bottle closed tight and let your room air out..
yeah its weird cus i get al the eefcts from yohimburn especially when im in my room for a long ive done a yohimburn cycle before so i know the effects you get from usage...and i get them all...the heartbeat...irritability...nervousness...all of them...are u sure you cannot get the yohimburn effects just from breathing it in for a long time...the bottle has been open for like 2 weeks already..i barely found out 2 days ago. Is there anything i can spary in my room or something to make it air out faster...cus it even interferes with my sleep and i dont need that.
NO you cant get the effects from breating the fumes.. but it ma be a reaction to the menthol fumes themselves (though it is pretty unlikely).. as hard as it may be to beleive it is probably psychosomatic.
as far as airing out your place.. open window and a door.. get a cross breeze ..this will "air" the place out faster
macro...i hate to mention this again...but i just felt it again. I had been away all day at school and work and as soon as i came in to my room and started typing on the keyboard and touching the table where the yohimburn bottle was at...i felt it immediately...the sudden weird surge of energy , accompanied by irritableness...followed by tiredness and chills. Im telling you something is up. All i want to know is how i can rid my room of this..cus its seriously starting to freak me out. I know you say that u cannot breathe it in and stuff...but wat if the fumes penetrated onto stuff and as soon as u touch it u get the systematic effetcs of the yohimburn??couldnt this be possible as jus freaked out by this...