functional strength (funk'shun'uhl strength) n. - shit you can use.
ditch the straps or youll look like a sissy later when you have to use them to hang on to dbells for curls. hehe.
in reality, if you start out without straps, your strength will increase proportionally with your other muscle groups. its humbling when you know you can row a bunch of weight but are determined to ditch your straps cause your forearms suck and you have to drop down. (trust me i know) after a while though, your forearms catch up and you dont give it a second thought.
"if you cant hang on to it, or unrack it, you dont belong lifting it." -nate (heheh)
as for the female that mentioned that her forearms would blow up, come on now. what good is strength in one muscle if your extremities cant hold the weight? in the quest for shape, here or there, we deprive ourselves of our bodies ability to adapt to weaknesses.
ah hell, i guess im more of a functional advocate than most. bodybuilding is about cosmetics but the training should still be functional. what good is it to look powerful but in reality arent?