I broke a girl's rib once fucking in a hot tub.
Had the dead fish (VERY DEAD).
Once I had a girl who wouldn't fuck me but get this, she lays me down on my back in the living room covers me up with warm, wet towels (cept my face and crotch) and proceeds to blow me/jack me off while she's playing a Paul Williams (yes you heard right, Paul Williams the short little fucker) record on her stereo. THAT was just fucking bizzare!!!!!
I've gotten blown while a girl was taking a shit.
I ass-fucked a chick in front of her two year old (which I didn't realize was watching til I was so close to cumming, I just said "fuck it").
And I had really rough sex with a girl who would punch me in the head, and I would punch her back (not real hard though).
I had a girl have me squeeze her neck when she came till she passed out (asphyxiation). She came like a cement truck and then started doing the funky chicken after she had passed out (though I'd killed her).
I jacked off on top of several mountain peaks.
Pissed in a chicks face/mouth while she masturbated.
I've even pearl necklaced a girl's armpit (don't know what you call that though).
Is this stuff weird?