New member
FatRat said:Sounds to me like 5x5 would be a good starting place. It gives you a change to gradually build up a nice solid foundation as well. Take a look at the sticky at the top or some of the threads floating around like: http://boards.elitefitness.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=245590
As for the split, its really an individual thing, there are loads of combinations for 2, 3 or 4 days per week, yours may be ok, but Chest / Legs is a massive workout, and shoulder may be fatigued from two days earlier.
For ideas:
3 days:
Mon – Legs
Tues – off
Wed – Chest / Back (you can superset!)
Thurs – off
Fri – Shoulders / Bis / Tris (you can superset!)
4 days
Mon – Legs
Tues – Chest / Tris
Wed – off
Thurs – Back / Bis
Fri – Shoulders
Both just examples, but give you a start.
Also look at HST, DC etc. etc.
Thanks FatRat
That 3 day split looks pretty good. I think I'll work on some exercise ideas for it tonight.