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Okay this is my rant for this week,,, lol.
I keep hearing genetics this genetics that. It seems to be a common thread for everyone to blame their lack of success in the iron game. Well, I tell you what. I don’t buy into this whole fucking thing that one in a million people have the genetics to make it pro in bodybuilding. It is horseshit as far as I am concerned. I don’t disagree that there are some people out there that can get big and cut by eating Twinkies and watching must see TV. These people are the true and pure mesomorphs which are a rarity and are typically lazy because of this gift. I do know for a fact though, a lot of genetic shortcomings can be overcome by hard work and dedication.
Have you ever noticed that people whom are successful in life always excel at everything they do no matter what it may be. Arnold is a prime example of this. He was successful as a bodybuilder as well as a businessman, actor and anything else he put his mind to. Did this have to do with some freak genetic quirk that he had. No way Jose! Arnold had an animalistic work ethic and did whatever was needed to be a success in everything he did. Most people do not even realize that the Oak was a millionaire before he ever had a big acting gig. Yep, it is true. Check the facts. Believe me it was not from bodybuilding if you are skeptical. He was as aggressive and dedicated to his business efforts as he was to the gym. Work Ethic!!
Have you ever noticed that there are guys that are pro athletes that in no way are physically gifted enough to play the sport. Earl Boynkins, guard for the Golden State Warriors is a prime example. We can all agree that height is a critical genetic trait for playing the sport of basketball. Well don’t tell Earl that. He is 5’5” and averaged in the double digits scoring wise this year. Explain to me how someone 5’5” could out perform 90% of the players in the league who are more than a foot taller than him. The answer is hard work, dedication, effort and a belief in himself that he could play on that level. I guarantee that you will find Earl like persons in every pro sport. These are the guys that don’t have the physical prowess to be pro, but willed them self to that level.
I know what all you knuckleheads that are skeptics are saying now. Well, bodybuilding is not basketball, it is purely a physical sport. You know what? You are right. But, I ask you to do this. Find some pics of the top twelve guys in the Olympia during their first couple of years of lifting. I would bet that 10 of those twelve looked just like fifty other guys that are working out at your gym right now. Look at Dorian Yates when he started. He was cut, had okay symmetry and was 180 or so pounds. Nothing to make heads turn, just like most of us lifters out there. The difference here between Dorian and the average Joe at the gym is Dorian kept plugging away. He gave his best effort 365 days a year and he did this year after year. He did not go hard for a couple of months and then slack off for the next few. He was consistent and always moving foreword. So many people get psyched up and work there asses off for a little while then slack back up. You have to keep that intensity going year round.
Okay, I am a realist here. I do realize that not everyone can win the Olympia due to issues of how your muscles are put together. Yes, you are right this is genetic in nature. Your overall shape is pretty well set by your genetics. Don’t give up hope though. This does not mean you can’t overcome a lot. Look at pictures of Arnold when he was first starting out. Did he have have a massive peak on his Biceps? Nope! He built that over time with dedication, work and persistence.
Okay, what point am I trying to get across? I say that the rare person who makes it to the very top of anything is the one that has an unstoppable work ethic, not genetics or whatever else. How many people do you guys know that you say to yourself “Only if they applied themselves”? This guy is in every gym on every basketball court, baseball field, etc in America right now. I think everyone for the most part has the genetics to be the biggest guy at their gym at the very least and possibly a top amateur or more.
To many people these days do not believe in themselves and in their abilities to accomplish something so they never even make the 100% attempt at making their dreams come true. Don’t fall into the trap of the self fulfilling prophecy. If you believe you are going to fail. Guess what? You will. Ask any highly successful person if they every doubted themselves and find out what the answer is. They never did. If they fail, they dust themselves off and try again until they do succeed.
You can’t change your genetics but you can change your work ethic. So, get off your asses and work hard year after year and you will be surprised at what happens!!! This applies to not only to the gym but to life in general.
I keep hearing genetics this genetics that. It seems to be a common thread for everyone to blame their lack of success in the iron game. Well, I tell you what. I don’t buy into this whole fucking thing that one in a million people have the genetics to make it pro in bodybuilding. It is horseshit as far as I am concerned. I don’t disagree that there are some people out there that can get big and cut by eating Twinkies and watching must see TV. These people are the true and pure mesomorphs which are a rarity and are typically lazy because of this gift. I do know for a fact though, a lot of genetic shortcomings can be overcome by hard work and dedication.
Have you ever noticed that people whom are successful in life always excel at everything they do no matter what it may be. Arnold is a prime example of this. He was successful as a bodybuilder as well as a businessman, actor and anything else he put his mind to. Did this have to do with some freak genetic quirk that he had. No way Jose! Arnold had an animalistic work ethic and did whatever was needed to be a success in everything he did. Most people do not even realize that the Oak was a millionaire before he ever had a big acting gig. Yep, it is true. Check the facts. Believe me it was not from bodybuilding if you are skeptical. He was as aggressive and dedicated to his business efforts as he was to the gym. Work Ethic!!
Have you ever noticed that there are guys that are pro athletes that in no way are physically gifted enough to play the sport. Earl Boynkins, guard for the Golden State Warriors is a prime example. We can all agree that height is a critical genetic trait for playing the sport of basketball. Well don’t tell Earl that. He is 5’5” and averaged in the double digits scoring wise this year. Explain to me how someone 5’5” could out perform 90% of the players in the league who are more than a foot taller than him. The answer is hard work, dedication, effort and a belief in himself that he could play on that level. I guarantee that you will find Earl like persons in every pro sport. These are the guys that don’t have the physical prowess to be pro, but willed them self to that level.
I know what all you knuckleheads that are skeptics are saying now. Well, bodybuilding is not basketball, it is purely a physical sport. You know what? You are right. But, I ask you to do this. Find some pics of the top twelve guys in the Olympia during their first couple of years of lifting. I would bet that 10 of those twelve looked just like fifty other guys that are working out at your gym right now. Look at Dorian Yates when he started. He was cut, had okay symmetry and was 180 or so pounds. Nothing to make heads turn, just like most of us lifters out there. The difference here between Dorian and the average Joe at the gym is Dorian kept plugging away. He gave his best effort 365 days a year and he did this year after year. He did not go hard for a couple of months and then slack off for the next few. He was consistent and always moving foreword. So many people get psyched up and work there asses off for a little while then slack back up. You have to keep that intensity going year round.
Okay, I am a realist here. I do realize that not everyone can win the Olympia due to issues of how your muscles are put together. Yes, you are right this is genetic in nature. Your overall shape is pretty well set by your genetics. Don’t give up hope though. This does not mean you can’t overcome a lot. Look at pictures of Arnold when he was first starting out. Did he have have a massive peak on his Biceps? Nope! He built that over time with dedication, work and persistence.
Okay, what point am I trying to get across? I say that the rare person who makes it to the very top of anything is the one that has an unstoppable work ethic, not genetics or whatever else. How many people do you guys know that you say to yourself “Only if they applied themselves”? This guy is in every gym on every basketball court, baseball field, etc in America right now. I think everyone for the most part has the genetics to be the biggest guy at their gym at the very least and possibly a top amateur or more.
To many people these days do not believe in themselves and in their abilities to accomplish something so they never even make the 100% attempt at making their dreams come true. Don’t fall into the trap of the self fulfilling prophecy. If you believe you are going to fail. Guess what? You will. Ask any highly successful person if they every doubted themselves and find out what the answer is. They never did. If they fail, they dust themselves off and try again until they do succeed.
You can’t change your genetics but you can change your work ethic. So, get off your asses and work hard year after year and you will be surprised at what happens!!! This applies to not only to the gym but to life in general.