Sista there is no magic formula for training be it naturally or with the help of AAS. Either straight or drop sets can work well but what really counts is progressive poundages over months of lifting. Just focus on getting the next 10 pounds on your big exercises like Benches, squats, deadlifts and you will grow muscle nicely....all the "little" muscle like triceps will grow along with this progression. The weight progression should be TINY each week after the first few break in weeks. I am talking about adding a pound per week(or less) to your bench for reps and maybe a couple pounds per week to the squat and a half pound per week for the over head pressing movements and curls etc. You need to get some tiny plates in order to do this....
The above is called micro loading and it is the GOLDEN FLEECE of weight training especially as a natural.
Try this natural routine....3 way split training monday wednesdays and fridays. On Mondays do Chest abbs and triceps. On Wednesdays do Back shoulders and biceps. On Fridays do upper legs and low back and calves and maybe soem abbs again. You could do calves on Monday if you find Fridays too tough.
Stick to the big basic exercises. Benches, dips, overhead presses, rows pull downs, Barbell curls, squats, leg press, stiff leg and regular deadlifts(not in the same routine)
As for sets do a few warm up sets for the bigger exercises and one warm up for the smaller exercises like curls. Then do 5-6 hard sets for larger body parts, except for quads and hams which can be worked VERY hard for 3-4 sets each, and 3-4 sets for smaller muscles groups. The key is HARD WORK and progressive poundages in good form. You could try drop sets from time to time but for the most part I would do straight sets and do them hard and strict until the last rep you do is TRUELY the very last good rep you can do.....this is very hard to do in exercises like squats but it is very effective.
ALWAYS REMEMBER not to train like a steroid user. Those on roids can do much more volume and train more days per week and still gain well....this is training suicide for the natural lifter.
Be sure to eat and sleep very well. Don't get carried away with cardio or you will rob yourself of valuable recuperation powers. Take some Whey protein a couple times per day as well. Lastly get your testosterone level checked as some young ladies have a very low test level and this will hamper gains as well as energy levels, fat loss, and sex drive. You can get testosterone gel from compounding pharmacies in very low doses for replacement therapy.
Good luck
This is how you do it as a natural.........train on a three way slpit