Women won't be on patrol in the desert. This simply allows more combat-oriented positions for females. I highly doubt any female wants to go out on patrol in 100 degree weather for 2 weeks living off the land. Even the secretary stated that many roles will be decided whether a woman can handle it or not - it's not a carte blanche rule.
not officially on patrol in the desert
Team Lioness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
several women were denied bronze stars because theyre were officially "non-combatants"...I could be wrong but if I remember correctly there was a controvery surrounding this ones silver star
Monica Lin Brown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
that said...I dont give a shit. It always bugged me I couldnt be in the nuke program because of my gender or ever be a fighter pilot ..what whatevs..
My gender didn't matter for my unit ..hell the military period didn't matter for my unit much. If you could stomach the gore,make hard choices, carry the bodies, and hold someones hand while they were screaming for their momma you were GTG. It was exclusively medical and theres no way anyone was risking the Dr's and nurses by sending them into the field regardless of whether or not they could hump a ruck.
I couldn't care less and saw more than my fair share of MP's and cooks just be fucking whores that were in the way, male and female.The military is a cesspool of the unintelligent with no other options so bad examples of both genders abound.
and running missions? going under the wire? are people that fucking stupid? nothing in the middle east had/has a "safe zone" thats the stupidest shit I've ever heard. EVERYONE in Iraq or Afghanistan regardless of gender or MOS is in a potential combat zone.
LOLOL at no running water causing some sudden vaginal infection...you didn't have baby wipes like everyone else bro?
Like I said though...I serious couldn't care less...more people wanna be low brow cannon fodder? have at it my friend.....
did I mention I don't give a shit? because I really don't.
Plenty will wash out of OSUT plenty won't