MS said:"Well that's your opinion but news are that they DO work in the real world whether you like it or not. "
It's NOT my opinion, it's a fact that supplementing DHEA (or tribulus which effectively does the same thing) will NOT help increase your test production UNLESS you are actually deficient in DHEA. If you suspect this is your case, then please get a a blood test from your doc to test your DHEAS levels first. Why waste money on expensive supps that 99% of young, healthy women don't need and won't benefit from. BTW the same applies to young males. If you are over 40 years old, then you are more likely to get some benefit, but again it is cheaper an more reliable to just take DHEA (or test if that's what you want floating around in your body rather than estrogen).
" Regarding eating raw eggs and getting the same benefits that Humanovar MAY provide is something that someone with
your intelligence might say only in the Joke's board or if you intentionally want to down play the product. You may get
salmonella though"
This is not a joke. Our ancestors no doubt got a nice androgenic boost from finding a nest of some poor birds eggs and scoffing the whole lot (raw) in one sitting. It is sad how far human nutrition has wandered from what was once healthy and natural. The salmonella issue is really just another case where you should be very careful about the source, age and quality of you food stuff. Eggs are fantastic food, and cooking them destroys many of the best aspects of them (such as the omega 3 fats you would get from free-range, green fed chickens, biotin etc...). But my real beef is that so many people will rely on anecdotal info when there is a TOTAL lack of ANY scientific, peer reviewed info on some new gimmicky product out of Eastern Europe. So please don't bother enlightening me with people's reports of great results. I've been around long enough to remember boron, HMB, androstenedione and a host of other supps that were heavliy marketed as the "bees knees" and a LOT of people took them and reported great results. It's called the placebo effect and I suggest you read up on it if you're not familiar with it. If and when the company that markets humanovar wishes to share all of their research data with the rest of the scientific world so that we can evaluate it's legitimacy, then get back to me. Right now all they will tell us it that it contains "oligopeptides". Ummmm, almost all protein contains oligopeptides, and those that don't are soon broken down to oligopeptides via digestion.
Anyway, that link you gave was for a discussion on pro-hormones other than tribulus or Humanovar, so I'm not sure what your question is, or what kind of answer you're expecting from us??
For the record, the placebo effect can be VERY strong, so if you REALLY believe you will get great results from the newest and hottest supp on the market, then you should take it because chances are it WILL work if you believe hard enough.
I know you are a nice person MS but I gotta address the fact that you are twisting things a little bit.
1-"It's NOT my opinion, it's a fact that supplementing DHEA (or tribulus which effectively does the same thing) will NOT help increase your test production UNLESS you are actually deficient in DHEA"
If you don't post at least ONE Sci. study to back up ( although one study does not bear superior thuth or should be taken as a fact) it is still YOUR OPINION. I at least have some real world experience. Tribex worked with those subjects (women BF 20% plus) not with men. And I could not care less since I don't make a dime for any Tribex 500 biotest sells. I have an opinion about those guys that is far from friendly but that over hyped shit worked (again) from my experience and I was trying to figure out if the same happened to someone (woman, steroid and PH free) on this board. Then you jump in talking bad about something you haven't tried because you feel it is expensive and s%^&. That's off topic.
2- Our ancestors lived well without Internet, cell phones eletricity and Fridge. What's you point? The men that lived before us used to beat the crap out of their wifes (not sure if they had this status quo) and drag her buy the hair. Again, What's you point?
I have been around for mcuh time too to see the evolution of PH into what we have today. products that compare to steroids on a mg to mg basis.
3- It seems also that you have not been around so much or maybe just can't see thru. Patrick Arnold, the guy who came up with most of all PH and know such a great deal about hormones and so on is posting on the same subject on the supp. boards but again all you can see there might be some idiot like me and Pat "trying to enlight" you and other people.
4- People that market and sell PH don't want to have scientific studies proving it works cause it will be taken out of the market if it does so. Can't you see this?
OFF TOPIC- Also you mention HMB. That you have been in the game for so long and blah blah. Maybe EAS and BP fooled you into "feels like deca" statements and you are so jaded that denies all other benefits it might have. I tried HMB and felt ZERO other people liked. SO?? It's still useful for many people and news are: THERE ARE FAVORABLE SCI. STUDIES ABOUT HMB!! Wheter we like it or no.
Here is the one fresh new study. hope you like it. Or find it enlightning
Ann Surg 2002 Sep; 236(3):369-375
Effect of a Specialized Amino Acid Mixture on Human Collagen Deposition.
Williams JZ, Abumrad N, Barbul A.
OBJECTIVE To examine the effect of arginine, beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate
(HMB), and glutamine supplementation on wound collagen accumulation in a
double-blind, randomized study.
SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA Control of wound collagen synthesis has been an
elusive goal for clinicians and scientists alike. In many clinical
instances, it is desired to increase collagen deposition as a means of
enhancing wound strength and integrity. Arginine, a semiessential amino
acid, has been shown to increase wound collagen accumulation in rodents and
humans. HMB, a metabolite of leucine, regulates muscle proteolysis in
animals and humans and increases collagen deposition in rodents.
METHODS Thirty-five healthy, nonsmoking human volunteers 70 years or older
were enrolled and underwent subcutaneous implantation of two small, sterile
polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) tubes into the deltoid region under strict
aseptic techniques. The tubes were 1 mm in diameter and 6 cm in length with
pore size of 90 to 120 &mgr;m to allow optimal ingrowth of fibroblasts and
the deposition of matrix. Eighteen volunteers (mean age 75.4 years; 2 men, 16
women) were randomized to receive daily supplementation of 14 g arginine, 3
g HMB, and 14 g glutamine (total nitrogen 3.59 g) in two divided doses. The
control group (n = 17; mean age 75.3 years; 6 men, 11 women) received an
isonitrogenous, isocaloric supplementation of nonessential amino acids.
Catheters were removed at 7 and 14 days postimplantation and analyzed for
hydroxyproline (OHP, nmol/cm catheter, an index of collagen accumulation) and
alpha-amino nitrogen (alpha-AN, mmol/cm, an index of total protein
RESULTS Supplements were well tolerated, without any reported side effects.
Supplementation with the specialized amino acid mixture led to a significant
rise in plasma arginine and ornithine levels. The specialized amino acid
supplement led to a significant increase in collagen deposition (as
reflected by OHP content) in the PTFE tubes without an effect on total
protein accumulation.
CONCLUSIONS Collagen synthesis is significantly enhanced in healthy elderly
volunteers by the oral administration of a mixture of arginine, HMB, and
glutamine. This provides a safe nutritional means for increasing wound
repair in patients.
Dr Mel C Siff