chinadoll said:
...I have had someone tell me never use weights it will cause you muscle to look like it is protruding. Is this so?
How did this someone's abs look? (I'm just always curious about people who preach absolutes like "never do this, always do that" etc.)
Personally, I want some protrusion in my abs - 6 little cobblestones of protrusion to be exact.
Before I got into serious training, I had no abs - they were weak and undeveloped. My stomach wasn't just flat, it was concave. Even at very low body fat, there was no "pack" of any sort.
So I had to train with weight to bring them out. The abs are a muscle just like any other. Training with weight gives them strength, definition, and hardness. I typically train abs in the 15-20 rep range. Some exercises I use weight and others I don't, but I always try to fail out w/in that range. But once the muscle is developed, it's all about bodyfat and where you carry it.
I also do stomach "vacuums". It's an exercise where you exhale all your air and then pull your abs in as tight as you can, imagining you're trying to touch your spine for about 10-20 secs. It's much harder than it sounds, but the results are great.