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Winter Stacks....let's see em fellas!

Big_Joe said:
I really like this one!!! I haven't done a PLF in a long time.. You might want to add a ruck filled with rocks to that also.
LOL.....I'm sure there will be a 65# sack of shit strapped to my back and shoulder in there somewhere.... :Chef: :tuc:
It would be cool if everyone would reply to their own posts with their stats! That way we can see your size and your intake. Also let us know if you are on anything right now.

I am planning on staying clean. My sex drive is non existant though. I had blood work done monday. I will post the results. If they come back "normal" and I still have no sex drive I am probably going back on (which I was hoping never to do again).
If I do it will be this most likely

wk 1-10 deca 400mgs
wk 1-10 test ent 500mgs
wk 1-4 dbol 30mgs ed

HCG wk 5 & 10 at 500 ius a day for ten days
Clomid when the deca clear at 300/100/50

My stats are in my signature. I am completely clean at the moment.
I figure I will gain about 18 to 20 lbs from that cycle if I choose to do it!
I'm 150 lbs and 6'2", been training for 6 months and I'm hoping to get into the same kind of shape as ryan reynolds was in blade 3, would outlaws cycle work for me too?

just 1g test PW until summer for me .. should break 260 in the next couple of months.
I have next summer's cycle figured out (Test/EQ/Dbol), but I am still debating what to do this winter...

I was thinking about running T-bol alone for 5 weeks to see what all the fuss is about, or I may instead go with 8 weeks of Sust @ 425/wk with the T-bol for the 1st 4 weeks. I am curious to see if there are any differences between Test E and Sust, and a quick 8 weeker may be just the ticket.

I am still up in the air...

Good to see there are so many bros that are putting good thought and planning into thier upcoming cycles. Good luck to everyone.

Tweakle said:
I'm 150 lbs and 6'2", been training for 6 months and I'm hoping to get into the same kind of shape as ryan reynolds was in blade 3, would outlaws cycle work for me too?

just 1g test PW until summer for me .. should break 260 in the next couple of months.
are you serious man. ryan reynolds was 6 3 236 in that film, his stats are in mens health. you'd have do put on almost 100lbs. just taking a gram of test is not magically going to make you gain that kind of shredded muscle. i hope your just kidding. how many cycles have you done
sust 500mg wk 1-8
prop 100mg eod 1-3
var 60mg ed 1-4
tbol 60mg ed 5-8

start pct week 9

hcg, nolva, trib, finasteride, adex, the whole bit

10 weeks off then do it again
6'1" 228. will start feb1.
wk 1-8 250mg sus/week
wk 1-12 500-600mg EQ/week
wk 9 stop sus
wk 9-16 300mg prop/week
wk 12-16 50mg anavar/day
will cycle clen 2 weeks on 2 off throughout cycle. wk 8-14 50-75mcg t3/day, nolva.
strongly considering using gh at 2iu/day for 5-6 months. jintropin 8mg.
bruce410 said:
are you serious man. ryan reynolds was 6 3 236 in that film, his stats are in mens health. you'd have do put on almost 100lbs. just taking a gram of test is not magically going to make you gain that kind of shredded muscle. i hope your just kidding. how many cycles have you done

I think he meant 250 lbs...but I was gonna give him a hard time too, just for the hell of it. LOL
I've done 10 cycles, going from 140 to 150 over the last 6 months

according to Greg, my PT at Bally, my bodyfat is 18% but he says we can work that off with some spinning and stablity ball training.

Would taking winny with the test help me get that 6-pack?
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