Just keep in mind that tren is three times as androgenic as testosterone and testosterone is VERY androgenic........so start very low in dose.
I personally know of a women that got very bad sides form low dose tren.....I will ask her what her dose was but I am sure almost certain it was no more than 5mg per day.
I think a women can do a hell of a lot with the mild androgens. Why take the risk if you don't make your living as a bodybuilder or at least plan on turning pro....it makes little sence to me and my wife. Anavar at 15 mg per day will do almost the same for you as 5mg of tren per day with less androgen and risk of androgenic sides.
My wife did 60 of test per week and got more upper lip facial hair and her voice was hoarse for a while(went away after a few months off) . The gains were better for her on winny and also on anavar and the sides were less.
In fact "Fitnesschick" over anabolicfitness is a national level bodybuilder and she NEVER uses test, tren , d-bol and the like. her favorite roid is anavar....and she can squat over 400 pounds and looks fantastic at around 140 pounds of body weight.
My .02