BodybuildingUniverse Plat Hero Platinum Jun 24, 2003 #1 Am I just jealous that I cant bench that much or could it be........THE FLIP FLOPS??!!
P pwr_machine New member Jun 24, 2003 #2 Jealousy? Maybe if it's more than double bodyweight. Flip flops? I won't bother.
coolcolj New member Jun 24, 2003 #3 I dunno - I see nothing wrong with it, and big benches don't turn me on
S SofaGeorge New member Jun 24, 2003 #5 It's not the flip flops... it's that you can see up his shorts.
gonelifting Elite Mentur EF VIP Jun 24, 2003 #6 He`s not benching. He was doing a military press and failed and fell down.
L louden_swain New member Jun 24, 2003 #7 It pisses you off because he isn't performing incline presses .
Backlash New member Jun 24, 2003 #8 Maybe it's because his spotter is rubbing his nipple instead of helping?
Scotsman New member Jun 24, 2003 #9 I have to go with a combination of view up the shorts and flip flops. Neither belong at the gym in my mind. Cheers, Scotsman
I have to go with a combination of view up the shorts and flip flops. Neither belong at the gym in my mind. Cheers, Scotsman
b fold the truth Elite Strongman Platinum Jun 24, 2003 #10 If wearing flip flops would help me put up big numbers...I'd wear 4 pair... B True