^^ the LH and FSH were boosted by the pct and then when you stopped your pct it would come back down until the body picks it up. the clomid you took boosted it temporarily.
google "pct calculator" there is a good link (wont post it cause it links to other places) that you can put in what you are using and for how long and it gives you a good estimate of when the stuff gets to low levels in the body. typically in your situation running 500mg a week cyp for 9 weeks which is 63 days.. even by day 100 you still have 25mg of foreign androgens and anabolics in your system a day, enough to keep your HPTA from waking up from hibernation. thats almost 6 weeks after injection.. not enough to feel it in the gym, usually strength will come back down around week 5, but enough to keep you suppressed.
so there is no way after 7 weeks since last injection your body would of been functioning normally. not saying its bad to jump on cycle after just that short a time, but like nelson said earlier in the thread your HPTA is gonna get used to not having to create T on its own and eventually it won't want to wake up anymore
what i do is after pct i wait 4 weeks extra and then run bloods.. i want to see what my body did on its own without the help of SERM's or AI's.
the lesson is the more dosage, the longer the cycle, the more things you stack.. the longer it will take for the juice to leave the body and the longer recovery should be. a short cycle using light dosages will result in a quicker recovery.. which is why i always tell guys to run ONE compound and low dosages if they want to recover fast. and why in my experience running tren alone at 350mg a week vs. running tren + test will result in a quicker recovery. guys always argue this with me but if they would sit down and think about it for a second they would understand it perfectly.
the faster the androgens and anabolics leave the body, the quicker you will start recovery. its as simple as that. newbs should never run huge doses and many compounds until they master PCT and recovery first
i've gone though hundreds of bloods from guys who have PM'd me on here and I see a pattern of guys running 3 or 4 compounds and then taking forever to recover. not saying i'm against doing this however they have to learn to be patient and stretch out their pct out and can't expect to recover after a few weeks .. if only it was that simple