1. Since you pick 3 exercises to alternate between days, those are 3 competent chest moves. I don't see him doing cable crossovers or flyes or other such bullshit.
2. When you're a muscular 290 pounds, you can work on "problem areas" too. Most of the people here who complain they have no upper chest weigh less than 200 lbs. Or even much less. They have no upper chest because they have no chest period.
3. I am not completely sure if you can work on your upper chest. However, Since I'm picking 3 exercises anyway, I have one of those as an incline bench, because it's a good exercise, even if it doesn't really work on your "upper chest." I am not convinced if it does, but like I said it doesn't really matter. I do bench, incline bench, and dips personally.
4. The chest is a pretty large muscle group. Some people actually try to isolate 3 different parts of the triceps and work them individually. Next time you get more out of a cable triceps kickback than a 300 lb close grip bench or reverse bench, let me know. Or, like DC says, go ahead and do your bent over laterals with featherweight dumbells while he rack pulls 500+ lbs and rows several plates. Who do you think will have the bigger rear delts?