Rest-pause is not the central premise of his workout. And those routines, while I'm sure you just didn't pull them off a mag, are the EXACT kinds that are always printed in the mags. Let me guess, you're going to do something like 3 sets of flat bench, 3 sets of incline, 3 sets of flyes for chest? Or something not too different? Make sure you hit the muscle from "every angle" to ensure "complete development" of the muscle.
About DC training not working for everybody, why the hell wouldn't it? Tell me what trainees would not benefit from intense training, where their strength progresses constantly, with LOTS OF RECOVERY (extreme stretching helps immensely) along with huge amounts of protein and food.
What people need to realize about everyone being different, from DC:
I laugh at the constant remarks i hear on these boards about "everyone is different".....what works for one guy wont work for the next. BULLSHIT!!! Heres my answer to that---please feel free to explain to me how everyone is so different please....What am i potted plant, you an amoeba and that guy over there a rock?!?! Recovery rates are varying and genetic predispositions are varying (predominance of fiber type, myostatin etc etc etc)--we are all human beings, but people make this sound like we are made up of a whole bunch of different materials. There are 400 pro bodybuilders out there in this world and according to some people they are all completely made up differently. Their genetic gifts are different but I can tell you one thing. If every one of those 400 guys never went past 135lb benching and 185lb squats none of them would be pros--NOT A ONE! The Bottom line is everyone has genetic size limits and to get there you are definitely going to have to go to extremes to get to your genetic strength limits along with a couple other workload output factors. (with diet and drugs and supplements also being in that mix) And I believe that is true of any "human being" on this planet. You take those 400 pro bodybuilders and put them all on the same routine (as long as every one of them dont overtrain)--what do you think is going to happen? You think 300 of them are going to shrink down into skeletons because "everyone is different"? You think Ronnie Coleman has better genetics than Flex Wheeler (who has a mutated myostatin gene-proven)? I say Ronnie Coleman is going to the extreme genetic strength limits while flex trains in the comfort zone with light weights--thats the difference in those 2 guys and the reason why Coleman is so dramatically bigger. You put great genetics with heavy heavy progressive lifting and Ill show you a huge bodybuilder. You take awful genetics and heavy heavy progressive lifting and Ill show you a bodybuilder that can be as good as his genetics allow. There are slews of people out there lifting according to there percieved slow twitch fiber types. Have you seen anyone doing that kind of training who ever gets concievably bigger? I sure as hell havent. Every successful training scheme is based around not overtraining and progression, it doesnt matter if you do 100 sets or 1 set---as long as you arent overtraining and are progressing upwards with weights/reps/whatever it will be successfull.....and that goes for every human being on this planet. If you can volume train progressively and not overtrain--go for it --you will be successfull. The same with low volume training. My whole idea which alot of people in these forums cant seem to grasp is--"training a bodypart as often as possible"--you cant train a bodypart very often if you are doing 20 sets a bodypart. That is the main difference I have with others. I want to grow at the fastest rate possible. Does that mean your not going to grow from 20 sets a bodypart if you dont overtrain? hell no you absolutely will. You just wont be able to train that bodypart as often as the people I train do.
If you stay with the same training weights for the next 10 years you arent going to be much larger. You triple your training weights in the next 5 years--and your going to be a walking house. No matter how different you might percieve people to be (chinese, white, black, fast twitch, slow twitch etc etc) if you get that person up the progression ladder (without overtraining) to the top of the charts with reps/weights/etc they will be as good as their genetics will allow because everyone "isnt so different"..