New member
Why is everyone posting pics of themselves that show GREAT progress, and awesome changes, and bodies, then writing "don't mind them, I look better usually, just low quality. OR let the flames begin" It's like people are scared to post their pics and make exuses for them, thinking ahead that someone is going to make nasty comments. No flames here, I think the progress shown in everyones recent pic postings is great, and first rate. I give anyone credit who has the guts to post pics on an open forum, especially with a lot of assholes out there whom are so quick to make comments, but never seem to post their own pics. So, great work to all the people who've posted pics recently, and no need to put "I usually look better" "they were just low quality" or "let the flames begin", because from where I am sitting, they all look great! Keep up the awesome work.