Beyond the prosaic purposes already attributed to it, the semen is a veritable feast of substances designed to help stabilize, nurture and regenerate the wife in whom it is ejaculated. It has within it enzymes, subtle hormones, ethereal substances and even germ-controlling agents that are vitally necessary for the complete integrity of the married woman.
It is interesting to note, that in a fraction of a second during ejaculation, there is combined the alkaline fluid from the seminal vesicles and the acid fluid of the prostate gland. This combination of acid and alkalinity produces energy. A true scientific energy. If you would like to see this for yourself, take some vinegar (acid) and baking soda (alkaline) and combine the two in a glass. Observe what happens. There is a great amount of foaming, heat produced and energy released. This is only one small and less ætheric part of the energy that is released in the vagina of the wife shortly after ejaculation. The greater part of the energy released by the combination of the semen and the vaginal fluids still eludes scientific investigation-mainly because there are few, if any, scientists willing or able to tackle this delicate subject.
To reiterate, the seminal fluid of the male is designed as a true feast for the vague and not so vague hungers of the real wife. The absorption of this fluid brings into her body substances and compounds that are not readily available in any other way. This exchange is one of the most vital cornerstones of the One Flesh union.
There are two points I want to make at this time to prevent future confusion and misunderstanding. First, the mere deposition of male semen into the female vagina does not mean that this semen can be constructively used by the woman into whom it is deposited. There are many subtle factors which must also occur concurrently before the proper utilization of the creative and health-giving substances can be satisfactorily used. These will be discussed later.
Second, it is not generally accepted by many scientists that the female vagina is able to absorb substances from the seminal fluid. It would seem that most of these men, however, are so industriously engaged in their laboratory efforts that they have failed to discuss this rather important subject with their wives or other married women. Any wife knows that if her husband ejaculates into her vagina in the evening and she makes no effort to remove the vital fluid, in the morning the vagina will be basically dry and clear of the seminal fluid. The question I ask is this: If it wasn't absorbed, were did it go? I am reminded of the scientists on the floating island in Gulliver's Travels. They were so devoted to theory that the simplest facts and explanations eluded them completely.