T Tarrant New member Jan 7, 2003 #1 Are meal replacement bars and "protein" bars the same thing? I was in the store looking at them, and there's like 50 million different kinds, and some are a lot bigger than others, what is the best bar if I want to use it as a meal replacement?
Are meal replacement bars and "protein" bars the same thing? I was in the store looking at them, and there's like 50 million different kinds, and some are a lot bigger than others, what is the best bar if I want to use it as a meal replacement?
JG1 New member Jan 8, 2003 #2 Try the Detour Bars...taste great, decent amount of quality protein, and semi-low carbs.
rjl296 New member Jan 8, 2003 #3 anything by muscletech IF you wanted to turn into a MOUNTAIN OF SHREDDED MASS !
L Lincoln Hawk New member Jan 8, 2003 #4 rjl296 said: anything by muscletech IF you wanted to turn into a MOUNTAIN OF SHREDDED MASS ! Click to expand... My only problem with those is that they're loaded with sugar.
rjl296 said: anything by muscletech IF you wanted to turn into a MOUNTAIN OF SHREDDED MASS ! Click to expand... My only problem with those is that they're loaded with sugar.
A alptraum New member Jan 17, 2003 #5 lol, I think the muscletech comment was sarcastic Avoid them like the plague.
J jenny27 New member Jan 18, 2003 #6 anyone know where i can get detour bars other than online? i haven't seen them in any of the gnc's i've been in yet.
anyone know where i can get detour bars other than online? i haven't seen them in any of the gnc's i've been in yet.
D Daernoth New member Jan 19, 2003 #7 I saw some detours at Target, but they were like 3 bucks a piece. Quite a pretty penny
M MeatHead57 New member Jan 23, 2003 #9 fyi for muscle tech less carbs+more protein= more sugar! never eat a muscltech! if you can bare the tast try met-rx 100 gram bars or detour!
fyi for muscle tech less carbs+more protein= more sugar! never eat a muscltech! if you can bare the tast try met-rx 100 gram bars or detour!