Honestly dude,
If you are looking at 3 years you did not do bad. OC 80's will bury you in some states. I heard of some guys doing 2 years for like 8 pills dude! And meth...whew! The feds through away the key when they catch you with that stuff. Pot is a joke though. Feds don't give much time for that. It is the OCs and meth that killed you. When you get out, do yourself a favor and don't f%$k around with that stuff anymore. I have seen the best of dudes completely go to shit from Oxys, and meth just makes you a skinny braindead HIV looking person in a matter of months. Stick to doing juice and you will never do another crappy drug again, because you'll get into your training so much. That what these lawmakers don't understand about steroids, they keep you away from drinking and other crappy drugs.
As far as jail goes. My friend just got out and he only did a nothing white-collar crime. He did 18months in a fed camp. The think that sucks - are you ready for this- THE FED JAIL HAVE NO MORE WEIGHTS! Do you believe it? There is only a few left with weights and when their weights break they won't replace them. Also there is no education anymore in Fed jails other than GED programs (Gee, that will prepare you for the corporate world when you get out). There is basically nothing to do either. The bottom line is this goverment sets you up to be a repeat offender once you get caught once in the system, by destroying your life afterwards with many years probation, a felony record that sticks to you like the Scarlet Letter for life, and offering no more education in prison so you have a fighting chance to make it when you get out. There are also no grants available to federal felons for college to my knowledge for when you get out of prison. So if you have no money or no family with money you are basically screwed and forced to do illegal things again even if your intentions are purely good - like needing to make money so you can go back to school so you can get a decent job other than flipping hamburgers. Also, many companies can and do perform background checks now, since our right to privacy is completely shot to hell in this country now since 911. Even if your crime has no bearing on the type of job you are applying for, the vast majority of the time they will not hire you. I don't understand why this government can't make some laws in order to prevent discrimination against felons, since they have anti-discrimination laws for every other type of person in this country.
Good luck dude, and take one word of advice - stay tough and don't ever rat. Not even a little bit. Remember what comes around goes around.