madteabagger said:About 8 months ago I was at work and got an e-mail from a woman I didn't know. It said that my wife had fucked her husband and her best friends husband and she had some pics of my wife with her friends husband to prove it(the guy took some digital pics of her naked and his wife found them on the computer). It was a Monday and I was leaving for a TDY that Friday. Come to find out, my wife cheated with those two guys, two other guys she confessed to, plus a Sgt I used to work for(he PCS'd awhile back). Most of them were at my house while I was at work and my daughter was home.I immediately wanted a divorce and tried to get her sent back to the states early( I have been stationed overseas for almost 3 years now). It took nearly 5 months for my command to get the papers finished for an ERD(early return of dependant) and by then I had already spoke with lawyers and was told that I would most likely have to send my daughter back to the states for the duration of the custody battle(and probably would not be able to get primary custody due to being in the military). So I decided to wait and proceed with the divorce until I get out (in January) because I don't want to be 5,000 miles away from my daughter. I would have seriously killed these guys if I knew where to find them and now am thankfull I didn't know where they were or even who for the most part. A woman isn't worth prison. I am going TDY in three weeks to Afghanistan, and I can only imagine what the wife will be doing while I am gone, not that I really care any more.
Holy shit bro that sucks a huge one, sorry to hear this. Didn't your wife show any signs of infadelity before you two tied the knot? Bloody hell that sucks, probably not the encouraging words one might want to read having just proposed a few months back....