Ok in my search for bigger calves, I combed numerious internet sites looking for different types of routines, and stumbled upon something that has me walking funny every time. Ok so here it is: You pick a weight that you can barely do 20x (standing calf raise) (and strict form mind you: heels all the way to the floor, and then all the way up on the toes) So by the time you hit the 20th rep you should be just about dead, however, you are going to continue to go until you reach 75 reps total. You take only enough break (3-4 sec) that will allow you to stand and get another 1-2 reps. Do this all the way up until you hit 75 total. I have introduced several people to this routine, and EVERY single one of them said they had never felt something like that before in their calves. It is key, however, to make sure that you pick a weight that has you failing right at about the first 20 reps, and even more important keep that rest period down super low.......no more then 4sec. You will find your calves will be on fire and you may only be able to get 2-3 reps before having to take a couple second break, but the feeling is undescribable. Give it a try! Good luck!