I much prefer evenings. The reason why is that the gym is empty earlier on, so there is no atmosphere and it's sleepy and unmotivating.
I also don't enjoy the people earlier on. It's full of housewives and men who look like they're there because their doctor told them to go.
In the eveings the beautiful people come out. It's motivating having good physiques around because it inspires me to work harder. The view is better while resting between sets too.
With more people around (but not a crowd) the atmosphere in the gym is more energetic. People are less moody than first thing in the morning.
I have been working out first thing in the morning for 2 reasons.
1-I seem to get better pumps first thing in the morning.
2-There is hardly anyone there at 6am so there is no one there to bother me.
I also forgot to mention another important reason why I workout in the morning,I am currently using insulin post workout along with my cycle.I like to make sure I am awake for as long as possible after taking a shot of slin!
I always go before 3pm or after 7pm. Can't stand a packed gym. Skinny ass pansy mutherfuckers in their designer gym clothes. Go home or stick to your machines. Stay away from my free weights.
Sorry just ranting a bit. I was once a skinny ass punk too.lol