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MFMan said:Everytime I go into a bar I walk out in utter disgust. Problem is I go into the places with the intention of having a good time and possibly meeting someone at the very least. I always start to pyche myself up before I go in and tell myself if I don't meet any chicks its not the end of the world. This method always fails miserably everytime. After about three hours of standing in the same fuckin place it gets to old. So I'm not really what you would call shy but I sure as shit am not going to approach women that don't give me a glance for obvious reasons {there with boyfriend, friends, lesbians}. Now heres the real kicker, I notice the fat ugly motherfuckers with some of the hottest women in the place. This bewilders me everytime. I'm not the next Brad Pitt but I'm sure as hell not ugly either. This is what gets me. So I just console myself in the knowledge that this is just a bad night and reinforces why I detest the opposite sex so much . But problem is, it happens every fucking night. Any advice?
well for what my input is worth... here it is. i'm relatively young too and still learning the ropes since i'm just getting into the club type scene so i'm in the same boat as your. however i have picked up on a few things
i go out looking to have a good time with my bros, if i get a # BONUS....... take this attitude with you when you go out and the chicks will pick up on it (goes back to the confidence thing plus ur not one of the 10 million fuck nuts sliming their way thru the crowd rubbing on every chick you see.... yes they will appreciate that). for a while i did the same shit standing in one place for extended periods of time. girls will approach but not nearly often enough. u gotta can that shit. at least walk around through the crowd and stuff.
area5150 has the right idea. you gotta get eyecontact and or a smile from them first before going up to them. asking them if theyd like to dance is great too, just like he said. if you dont youll get a weird look and a friend of hers will run to her rescue and pull her away. if a cute girl is trying to squeeze her way up to the crowded bar to order, and the bartender comes to you first, point to her and let her order before you. little things to break the ice bro. be a gentleman, the kind of chicks u wanna meet will respond to that... forget the others
- dress and groom yourself nicely depending on the types of clubs you go to NO ABERCROMBIE or other trendy college type stuff. SMELL NICE TOO! key is to stand out
- never try to seperate a chick from her other single friends, she wont leave them. period. if your gonna try it, make sure u have enough guy friends with you who can cover her friends
-if u see a chick you like and shes not noticing you, make sure she notices you noticing her. check her reaction and assess the situation from there
hell, make fun of yourself and say u dont dance much, ask her for help/pointers

if you dance with a chick and you think theres a mutual interest after the song, thank her and say it sure is hot in here and ask her if she wants to go get a water with you or somethng. this will give you some alone time to talk and will help you come off as a human being not some asshole trying to hookup in the middle of the dance floor. i'd stay away from alchololic drinks unless she has one in hand and is ready for another. (more time than not she'll opt for the h20) and think its a sweet gesture instead of u trying to get her lit so u can get in her pants
if you get the eye contact/smile we talked about earlier, make sure you acknowledge her with a smile or something. dont be a scared little boy who turns his head right away
get the smile, make sure she see's you acknowle her. turn your back to order a drink or have a convo with someone, ie dont be eager and run right up to her. wait 10-15 minutes and get into her zone again. if you see her looking and making eye contact again your in her head and shes wondering where you went before. repeat this if you think u can get away with it but dont ruin ur chance. YOUR IN. go introduce youself ask her "if she'd like to dance"
thats all i can think of right now... lol. good luck!
oh, and dont be totally blitzed. that doesnt help the cause

also, choose your girls wisely. chicks up ontop of the bar or on the stripper pole arent there to meet anyone
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