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MFMan said:Everytime I go into a bar I walk out in utter disgust. Problem is I go into the places with the intention of having a good time and possibly meeting someone at the very least. I always start to pyche myself up before I go in and tell myself if I don't meet any chicks its not the end of the world. This method always fails miserably everytime. After about three hours of standing in the same fuckin place it gets to old. So I'm not really what you would call shy but I sure as shit am not going to approach women that don't give me a glance for obvious reasons {there with boyfriend, friends, lesbians}. Now heres the real kicker, I notice the fat ugly motherfuckers with some of the hottest women in the place. This bewilders me everytime. I'm not the next Brad Pitt but I'm sure as hell not ugly either. This is what gets me. So I just console myself in the knowledge that this is just a bad night and reinforces why I detest the opposite sex so much . But problem is, it happens every fucking night. Any advice?
I cannot believe what I am reading for responses!

Bro, its all attitude. Doesn't matter what you look like. Although I'm sure your physique is way better than average if your on this site to begin with...
How you carry yourself is the only thing that will matter. Not saying that if you are a fat slob and dress like a clown that you'll pull chicks (although you never know in this fucked up world) but if you are proud to be who who are, it will give off an aura of confidence and chicks will be on your dick like flies on shit. Smile and act like you are on excasty and that you don't give a rat's ass bout any chick .. but SMILE at every single one of them (all of them!) and its gonna be a world of "T" and "A" for you.