My lifting weights and steroid odyssey:
7th grade football made me start lifting hardcocre, even though I was so young. I went from 135 to 155.
8th grade I lifted even harder and became a pretty big 14 year old. I got alot of attention. Guys respected me, girls liked me, I liked myself. I went from 155 to 180 ( I wasn't a monster but 180 is very big for a n 8th grader/freshman in highschool).
I took off after 10th grade when I quit football because of a back injury and laggining interest. I went from 180 to 165.
I became a big time stoner/party dude(Man would i get high!! That was some fun shit), got really skinnny. I went form 165 to 150
By senior year of highschool I was getting pushed around by guys who hadn't even hit puberty when I was the big 180 lb freshman hotshot. They were getting all the chics and were the guys with all the confidence and respect. I didn't lift no more. I felt left out, unhealthy, and suddenly inferior. I became really depressed. I went from 150 to 180 again but this time I was fat.
One thing I noticed was that the guys who got the chics senior year of high school lifted weights and I didn't. It clicked in my mind, lifting weights=chics and respect (at least that is how it is in highschool and early college!). I cut my long hair, quit the weed, shrooms, acid and alcohol and went clean for 2 years straight in which I devoted myself entirely to training, eating, sleeping and taking supplements ( a boaring time but effective in creating a a good base of strength, my bench went up to about 275). I went from 180 fat to 175 lean and strong.
I stumbled onto steroids while in florida for a semester off of school. TOok them and looked and felt better than I ever had in my life. I went from 175 lean to 190 ripped. The girls began to stare.
I got carried away during the next couple of years, lost sight of my goals, and took too much juce. I also eased off of the training. Girls started to be less interested. I went from 190 ripped to 220 big and smooth and strong as shit.
I think I am too big now. I looked better before all the test. I AM trying to get back to the physique I had when I just trained hard and did a little bit of roids instead of training light and doing hardocre roids. Want to go from 220 big smooth and strong as shit to 195 ripped and lean. I am runnin alot now.