Sorry y'all: pasturized or ultra pasturized refer only to the Flash Process in terms of killing on-board bio hazards in the eggwhites, not the eggwhites inherant ability to 'clarify' the medium they pass through. Unless you denature that albumin (cook it) its gonna suck up many of the goodies that it passes over, its part of the wonder and usefullness of eggwhites. We just dont want that in our digestive tract as the modus du jour.
Here is a better overall question: WHY would you WANT to chug eggbeaters?!?! I would rather suck a bulldogs nose til his ass burps like tupperware! COOK THEM!!! make an omlette! a frittata! wouldnt you rather EAT than chug them?!
Granted, denaturing the proteins by cooking them makes them more bio-available, exactly what we DONT want in terms of 'dieting', we dont want 'high-quality' or super high bio availability, we want SLOOOOOW digesting proteins, LOW quality by definition of absorbtion is what ya want.
THAT having been said, you should be consuming some fats and carbs with your proteins regardless, they work together in terms or attenuating absorbtion in our favor: the proteins and fats lower glycemic load/index of ALL carbs, the carbs and fats slow the digestion of proteins which is the grail in this case.
My take is the process of chugging eggwhites/eggbeaters is about as palatable as doing shots of snot, so I dont do it for that reason alone.
As far as eggwhites: buy em wholesale, look in the yellow pages for catering/bakery supply and tell them you are an at-home caterer so you can buy them wholesale. They come in cases of 4-6 half gallons, and come frozen and are the very VERY cheapest form of protein you can buy. period.