train biceps and triceps on same day
If u can workout twice a day, you can use both a basic power routine and a more targetting volume routine, behold:
MORNING (oldskool 5 * 5 routine)
5 * 5 reps , choose one exercise to use for 6 sessions to really see gains in strength:
- barbell curl
- weighted pullups
2 warmup sets, 3 all out sets, rest 3 minutes between sets
5 * 5, choose one exercise to use for 6 sessions to really see gains in strength:
- weighted dip
- close grip benchpress
- pushdown with V shaped bar
-JM press
- floor press
- board press
- Tate press
EVENING (German volume training)
10 * 10 , choose one random exercise out of this list EVERY workout to shock it from every angle, the volume will do the work for you...:
- seated alternate dumbell curl
- incline dumbell curl
- cable curl to head
- scott curl (barbell , dumbell, cable)
1 minute rest between biceps sets
- 1 * 10 biceps exercise, 60 seconds rest
- 1 * 10 biceps exercise, 60 seconds rest
or, take only 30 seconds rest and screw hit biceps/triceps as follows...:
- 1 * 10 biceps exercise, 30 seconds rest
- 1 * 10 triceps exercise, 30 seconds rest
- 1 * 10 biceps exercise, 30 seconds rest
- 1 * 10 triceps exercise, 30 seconds rest
10 * 10, choose one EVERY workout
- pushdown with straight bar
- skullcrushers supersetted with close grip benchpress
- one arm dumbell lying french press
- slow dips between benches
- cable kickbacks
- overhead extension (barbell, dumbell , Y-cable)
After 6 sessions, you change the raw power exercise for both biceps and triceps and ALSO you train the next 6 session
triceps first followed by biceps.... Thes tiny adjustments will provide the necessary stimulation.