I figure you can accomplish some great overload on the biceps with this....anyone have any suggestions or comments or experience using this as a bicep exercise?
ive done them before, but to be honest i havent in a while. theyre pretty good but for some reason lately its been hurting me to keep my hands underhand for long periods of time.
I really like stuff like pull-ups and dips, so I would say go for it. The only thing is there are a lot more muscles involved than just your biceps, but if you are doing it on a bi/back day, its all good. I think using the pull-up grip that is two close together handles perpendicular to the regular grip works the best for my bis.
I use them mostly as a transition excercise between back and bis since it involves both muscle groups. Also I use dips for the chest/tri split and sprints for the leg, calve split.
This seems like the equivalent of doing close-grip presses for your tris. I use close-grip press at the end of my chest workout and the beginning of my tricep workout (both done the same day) so I might have to give close grip pullups a try on my back/bi day...