You all have my dream jobs!!!!! I used to be somebody, then I moved to NowhereTown, Texas where you have to work 42 jobs to make a living!!
Used to be a Radio Producer in Dallas for a political talk show, a personal trainer, and am currently a dreamer about owning my own gym. Dream on I guess. I am learning everyday more and more about business, so maybe it is just all about timing.
Would love to hear more about your job and your products JLo!! Spatts, can you tell me how to adjust my 401K for the current market, and WarLobo, why in the hell did you sell your gym????? I would have bought it with nothing down and pay $1.40 a month (what I can afford on my current salary)
I live in a town where my three children and two step children are safe, so I guess I can't complain. I'll have to wait and decide what I am going to be when all of them finally grow up!!!!!!
Oh, I guess my profession is being absolutely addicted to the gym and to Mr. Texas Guns!!!! Why else would I live in Nowhere Town!!!!!!!
Mrs. TG