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What can i do instead of squats?

sorry man i can squat over 600 and my bench is only 375

plus u make no sense with that statement, muscle groups used in both movements differ greatly

The point is that there are plenty more people who do nothing but tris/bis/chest splits then there are full body workers.
Go to a doctor, or an ortho, or a chiropractor or an Accupuncturist, or a deep tissue massage therapist....or better yet, all of them. Get an xray or whatever....FIX THE PROBLEM. Do one of the substitutes these guys suggested in the meantime. But dont just dismiss squats and try to work around them. I can do squats with the bar alone, it hurts my neck and traps. So I'm a pussy and use the bar pad. So what, I dont fucking care... Better than having a sore neck for a week.
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