Like the title says. I have been taking NitroTech but here lately it seems to be messing with my stomache. Any thoughts? Has anyone used 6-OXO before? Would it be good to use when cycling DECA and Winny?
If you want the best most digestable and bioavailable Isolate in the world then ISO AGB is best. But it's better suited for post workout because the Acetylated Glutamine in it is very bioavailable and in your system faster than any other form. But it's expensive so most people only use it post w/o.
I like VP2 by AST, but kinda on the expensive side. I would try Designer Whey I got 10lbs for $55 w/ free shipping. Check out Cheapest online supps. hands down.
I like VP2 by AST, but kinda on the expensive side. I would try Designer Whey I got 10lbs for $55 w/ free shipping. Check out Cheapest online supps. hands down.