I've just started doing this and I like it a lot. For my back I pre-exhaust it by doing 3 sets of the high bar cable pulldowns. How many of you guys do this?? And what are some other good ones for your back and chest?? I was thinking about doing cable crosses for my chest.
Basically anything that is not a multi-joint movement can be used to pre-exahust major muscle groups. In this case, hit the isolation movements before your compound movements.
I've found, that techniques that put your muscle in a stretch position first, will realy help to triger a greater contraction. So movements like flyes for the chest, incline curls for the bi's and incline laterals for the shoulders.
Lats- this is the hardest cause there aren't as many these days...
Db pullovers- if your gym has them heavy enough to use,
Straight arm pulldowns- not ideal but I'm using them to good effect at the moment.
Pullover machine- probably second to DB pullovers-nautilus, hammer, MED Ex- hard to find out here in So Florida these days .
Delts- Front delts- front raises, cable front raises.
Side delts, Db laterals, cable laterals, Natilus delt machine, etc
Rear Delts- Bentover Db laterals, Pec Dec- done facing towards the machine.
Biceps- curls- any type
Triceps- pushdowns, French Presses, Skull Crushers, kickbacks, cable kickbacks, etc.- a compound exercise HAS to involve another bodypart - these are all primarily triceps.
Hope this all helped