Maybe our ultra buffed, sexy ass Texan is really a 5'5", 300 lb, hairlipped, hatchet faced, hunch backed, protohuman, knuckle dragging Good 'ol Boy that works the Honey Wagon out past the Dioxin Plant.
Maybe our ultra buffed, sexy ass Texan is really a 5'5", 300 lb, hairlipped, hatchet faced, hunch backed, protohuman, knuckle dragging Good 'ol Boy that works the Honey Wagon out past the Dioxin Plant.
Hey I never said I was ultra buffed. My "real" stats are 5'11 196lbs, don't have a hairlip, I have brown hair with blond highlights(middle age crazy ya know) with a goatee(I know I must have spelled that right) And I will be in Phoenix next week to verify I am a real person dang it.
Maybe our ultra buffed, sexy ass Texan is really a 5'5", 300 lb, hairlipped, hatchet faced, hunch backed, protohuman, knuckle dragging Good 'ol Boy that works the Honey Wagon out past the Dioxin Plant.
From what I read there was 'rape' but there were also, well, consensual relations. As you might imagine, it would be a status thing to be the master's pick.
Also, it was common for the young sons of the master's household to pick out a slave girl to 'practice' with rather than risking the ruin of a white virgin girl.
In the words of Jefferson, it was definitly a 'peculiar' institution and there is doubtlessly a large amount of research on the topic out there you can look into.