I have my own thoughts about what curling can actually do. I think he would have a good grasp of the fundamental reading skills, and "Roots" is not a difficult read.
I have my own thoughts about what curling can actually do. I think he would have a good grasp of the fundamental reading skills, and "Roots" is not a difficult read.
DC, you must admit that only in extreme cases is the ability to write cohesively and intelligibly a bad barometer for judging an individuals reading level (no, I am not talking about spelling). Extrapolate at will...
Sex with slave owners and hired hands were quite common, though mostly rape....T. Jefferson owned alot of slaves at one time, and yet George Washington owned very few and released them as free men and women, he also encouraged T. Jefferson to do so as well in his later years...though Jefferson politely declined at the time....
I took a tour of Mt Vernon, and went through some of the displays that were set up about how the household of Washington was run. One of the displays listed all the slaves that Washington owned.
One slave was named Camero. How cool was that?
I can just hear it now "Camero, go get Countach and Ferrari. We need plow up that garden of whacky weed that Corvette planted last year. That shit didn't bud right."