Elite Mentor
Yoi guys should have sene me today out doin my sprints..I swear man, peolpe were afraid.
I gotta post this cause I'm so psyched, and have all this energy from my fat burner stack. I apologise beforehand for any spelling errors , im all jittery and pumped.
I go do mky sprints down no this Rd. where I used to live..It's desolit for the most part..sometimes you see a car go by or a biker or jogger sor soeone ,. So today It's like 70 degrees, and I ook off my shitr while i did em'..
yeah, for those of you that know me here inr eal life,..im sure you can see where this is going.
Well, needless to says , While, I was done doing my first sprint, which consisted of full speed balls to the wall brekneck speeds for aproximaely 1 minte and thirty seconds , some old guy on his bike comes riding down the rd, and lokos at me and while i'm panting and gaspin for air like a fish out fo water, this guy waves to me on his bike and says heya there enjoyin the weather huh?". So I look up at him and stand up and turn my stomach towards the sun and flex my abs and say "ya i hear ya"and the poor guys just falls off his bike . i would have tended to him, but i'm thinking, ok, i got sprints to take care of, and since i scared him to begin with from 15 ft away, i don't think hed appreciate me getting any closer. I figure he'd be best off alone. So i begin my trek back up to the other end of the road..
Now keep in mind, I'm now walking towards the other end of the road,
ok and the sun is low int he sky so im getting this nice orange light on my front of my body.
Just then out fo the horizon, this couple cmoes walking up the road with some 2 yearold kid of theirs i guess. No I don;t know for sure if it was thiers but I guess it may have as well been, but it makes no difference in all reality at all or anything for that fact of the matter. In fact t, the fact of the matter is coming up. So listen what happens anywya..
when the kid comes up close to me he starts bawling his head off like a bitch. To add insult to injury, I flex the abs again because, if you rememebr from what i said earlier, I had some nic orange sun beating on my front, and anyone who poses outside a lot KNOWS for a fact that the evening sun gives the best ripped look shadows. This kid must have shit his diaper, i kid you not. I mean it was one of ths e cries of horror like where the phlegm gets stuck in the back of their throat and they cant breathe and their faces turns beat red.
So anywya,m the parent pcks the kid up, and is like "oh, comne on now, whats the matter, and just as he did that i got close to him and he lokoed at me, and i saw his eyes sort of get that glazed over look in his eyes, and he squelched back just a tad. i thought i might have been able to flex the abs at the time to add more insult to the injury, but the thing was, which you may or not believe, and franklly i don;t care, is that right at that time, i wlked under the shadow of the trees, so i lost the lighting. If you don;t believe me, OPM me and i will send you digital pics of the area i'm talking about and you will have no chice but to. His wife (i guess it's his wife, yet once again, it makes no difefrence) was cheking me out haRD! But she wa still kinda hiding behind her husband or whoever it was, cause she most likely* was having slight intimidation going on, but nuntheles, she is female..i am male..nature will take its course and all.
So I'm walking down towards that end of the road like I said, and just for th fuck of it all, i check back, and lo and behold, this guy is checking me out, and sos the wife again. I put my hands out to my sides and im like "dude, what the fuck are you gay or what'? when in reality, i knew he was like wow man, hes got one intimidating physique, but then again, i dont like to flaunt it or anything, or be all egotistical about it. So he says something i cant even hear and they start trotting away, and im shouting like "yeah, well dont be all pissed off at me cause i spend my free time actually doing real exercise and not just walking around town with my silly ass wife and kid being mr family man). if so, well dont be all pissed cause you get scared or intimidated when i come flying by you like a p[recision guided tomahawk missle slathered with yohimburn *tm*
Well no he didnt turn back around or anythin because obviously...fear.
I kinda scared myself a bit too, i looked in my eflection in this glass and i saw there was this one vein on my ab that looked like it was going to p9op, i swear. fear nows no boundaries in this game i tell you.
Yoi guys should have sene me today out doin my sprints..I swear man, peolpe were afraid.
I gotta post this cause I'm so psyched, and have all this energy from my fat burner stack. I apologise beforehand for any spelling errors , im all jittery and pumped.
I go do mky sprints down no this Rd. where I used to live..It's desolit for the most part..sometimes you see a car go by or a biker or jogger sor soeone ,. So today It's like 70 degrees, and I ook off my shitr while i did em'..
yeah, for those of you that know me here inr eal life,..im sure you can see where this is going.
Well, needless to says , While, I was done doing my first sprint, which consisted of full speed balls to the wall brekneck speeds for aproximaely 1 minte and thirty seconds , some old guy on his bike comes riding down the rd, and lokos at me and while i'm panting and gaspin for air like a fish out fo water, this guy waves to me on his bike and says heya there enjoyin the weather huh?". So I look up at him and stand up and turn my stomach towards the sun and flex my abs and say "ya i hear ya"and the poor guys just falls off his bike . i would have tended to him, but i'm thinking, ok, i got sprints to take care of, and since i scared him to begin with from 15 ft away, i don't think hed appreciate me getting any closer. I figure he'd be best off alone. So i begin my trek back up to the other end of the road..
Now keep in mind, I'm now walking towards the other end of the road,
ok and the sun is low int he sky so im getting this nice orange light on my front of my body.
Just then out fo the horizon, this couple cmoes walking up the road with some 2 yearold kid of theirs i guess. No I don;t know for sure if it was thiers but I guess it may have as well been, but it makes no difference in all reality at all or anything for that fact of the matter. In fact t, the fact of the matter is coming up. So listen what happens anywya..
when the kid comes up close to me he starts bawling his head off like a bitch. To add insult to injury, I flex the abs again because, if you rememebr from what i said earlier, I had some nic orange sun beating on my front, and anyone who poses outside a lot KNOWS for a fact that the evening sun gives the best ripped look shadows. This kid must have shit his diaper, i kid you not. I mean it was one of ths e cries of horror like where the phlegm gets stuck in the back of their throat and they cant breathe and their faces turns beat red.
So anywya,m the parent pcks the kid up, and is like "oh, comne on now, whats the matter, and just as he did that i got close to him and he lokoed at me, and i saw his eyes sort of get that glazed over look in his eyes, and he squelched back just a tad. i thought i might have been able to flex the abs at the time to add more insult to the injury, but the thing was, which you may or not believe, and franklly i don;t care, is that right at that time, i wlked under the shadow of the trees, so i lost the lighting. If you don;t believe me, OPM me and i will send you digital pics of the area i'm talking about and you will have no chice but to. His wife (i guess it's his wife, yet once again, it makes no difefrence) was cheking me out haRD! But she wa still kinda hiding behind her husband or whoever it was, cause she most likely* was having slight intimidation going on, but nuntheles, she is female..i am male..nature will take its course and all.
So I'm walking down towards that end of the road like I said, and just for th fuck of it all, i check back, and lo and behold, this guy is checking me out, and sos the wife again. I put my hands out to my sides and im like "dude, what the fuck are you gay or what'? when in reality, i knew he was like wow man, hes got one intimidating physique, but then again, i dont like to flaunt it or anything, or be all egotistical about it. So he says something i cant even hear and they start trotting away, and im shouting like "yeah, well dont be all pissed off at me cause i spend my free time actually doing real exercise and not just walking around town with my silly ass wife and kid being mr family man). if so, well dont be all pissed cause you get scared or intimidated when i come flying by you like a p[recision guided tomahawk missle slathered with yohimburn *tm*
Well no he didnt turn back around or anythin because obviously...fear.
I kinda scared myself a bit too, i looked in my eflection in this glass and i saw there was this one vein on my ab that looked like it was going to p9op, i swear. fear nows no boundaries in this game i tell you.