Trust me..the apple cider stuff does not work!! Been there and done that years ago. The only thing it does is leave a very nasty taste in your mouth. I have tried about every lose weight sceme that there is or ever was. Drinks, name it. It would make you feel better about yourself, you know...hey, I'm doing it...but the results were crap because you would still gain weight back.
As for the people on this board. They are the greatest bunch of people I have ever met when it comes to having cheerleaders in your corner. I was a little skeptical at first when I posted my thread, I thought for sure that someone was going to leave "rude comments" about me and what I am doing (I didn't put trying to do). But no one has and I doubt that someone will.
As everyone has said...there is no quick way to lose. The only thing that you can do is exercise and eat healthy. Drink lots of water. I am taking a fat burner myself and I have kept doing the crunches (mostly because I like doing them because I like the feeling). Right now, I am just hiking through the woods around my house, but I will be joining the gym shortly.
You have two kids...must be stuff for kids to eat around the house...potato chips, cereal, Tasty Cakes...stuff that kids eat. That's a major me I know. How I was able to take one bite of Banana Cream Pie and not eat anymore, especially in a depressed state was beyond me and everyone else. I guess I mentaly told myself I would be more depressed afterwards and put it back in the fridge.
It's going to take alot of time and effort to get where your target goal...or as Phem told me..."You are at your target when your in your coffin." The journey may be a long one with a few set backs here and there...or it may be a short one. Either way, you will feel better about yourself.
There are alot of good tips on my thread "Ok, ok, ok, new to this but...."
Good luck and whatever you do...don't give up.