brunette9519 said:
im not a perfessional body builder or anything, but i do work out just to keep in shape. but my problem is that i have a spinal issue in my lower back; this means that i cant get my tummy as flat as i want it. can anyone tell me if there are any diet pills that i can buy in a drug store or health store that i can use safely? and if i have to be a certain age to buy diet pills? and this question if goin to sound so vain but...will using diet pills cause ur breast to shrink at all?
please HELP!!
What the hell
Please don't piss your money away on diet pills, they don't work, TRUST ME, THEY DON'T WORK! They're a scam. The ones that contain caffeine are just going to make you jittery, they'll kill your appetite for a little while, then it will come back 10x worse and you'll binge like a madwoman (and usually at night, so you get the double blow of having eaten WAY too much, and just before going to sleep, where it just gets to turn into FAT). The one's that don't contain caffeine are worse than useless and can actually create some health problems. IF diet pills worked, don't you think everyone would look like those fitness models that they use to advertise them???
What DOES work is reading the stickies at the top of the forum, teaching yourself what constitutes a good, clean diet. Eating properly will go a long way to helping you get where you wanna be. Dumping dietary garbage, soft drinks, junk foods/snacks, refined sugars and flours and candy out of your diet will often flatten an otherwise bloated gut.
With regard to your lower back issues, I have suffered with spinal problems all my life. If you were born with a problem, you will have to learn to accept that there are some things you can't change. For example, if you have a congenitally excessive curve to your lower back it will, correspondingly, curve your abdomen out and there is NOT a whole lot you can do about it. The best thing you can do NOW is work to get your core muscles and back muscles to be as strong as you possibly can, as safely as you possibly can. I can't emphasize that enough. Back problems do NOT get better with time, ever, but the sooner you work the muscles of your core and lower back, the more you build and strengthen those muscles, the better chance you have of staying pain free and mobile.
But whatever you do, DON'T waste your time, money, or health on diet pills for god's sake.