QT has some good advice there.
Lift HEAVY. Don't OD on cardio. HIIT is a better idea for now. It preserves muscle, and keeps your metaboism revved.
DIET is where results come from. DIET DIET DIET. You can do cardio all day long but if your diet is not up to par, you will fail.
This is an example of a workout routine I often recommend for people:
Mon - HIIT 30 min, abs, stretch
Tues - LIFT Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Weds - HIIT 30 min, abs, stretch
Thurs - LIFT Back, Biceps
Fri - HIIT 30 min, abs, stretch
Sat - LIFT Legs, 30 min moderate cardio
Sun - total rest day (do nothing)
Weights - do ~3 sets each exercise, reps are 8-10 each. Adjust weight so on the last rep, you are very close to failure. Youcan push it up with good form, but it takes everything in you. 5x5 is popular, but I do not know a lot about it, check the Training Board for more info.
HIIT - 5 min warm up, 20 min intervals, 5 min cooldown. Intervals will alternate between work and rest sessions. For example, 1 min work / 1 min recovery, 30 sec work / 1 min recovery, etc.... Work intervals should be gut-busting, chest-heaving, I-think-I-could-die time period. Recovery should be light enough for you to catch your breath again,to prepare for next work interval. If you can do more after 20 min, you didn't go intense enough. If you can do more cardio after HIIT, you didn't do it intense enough. If you don't feel completely wiped out after HIIT, you didn't do it intense enough.
Diet -
Seems like you aren't eating enough. There is a reason you couldn't do more than a month last year. Dieting is hard, it is not fun, but it should be doable. If you cannot maintain the diet, what good is it doing you? You will never get results from something you cannot maintain. I have my sample diet posted all over this board, if you do a search for "Daisy_Girl" and "cutting diet" I bet you get the info.
Don't even think about the Clen. It is pointless. As T-S-O pointed out, until you get to a lower BF%, it is pretty useless. I would focus on maintaining the diet and keeping your training consistent and intense BEFORE adding substances (both legal and illegal). Fat burners at this point won't do a lot.